Moksha Yoga Shala, Rishikesh
About Us
Yoga is a lot about giving and receiving. It has been proposed that we only keep what we have by giving it away, which is one of the main motivations for teaching and training others to teach.
Moksha Yoga Shala is leading by by yoga master Vishal Sharma and Yogi Hari ji, makes use of the methods and practices of Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga and Vinyasa flow. Great importance is placed on preparatory work as the foundation for meaningful progress.
We combine spirituality and science, so that you can trust us to support you to heal and grow.

Moksha Yoga Shala Values
We seek to integrate all 8 limbs (Ashtanga) of yoga the way it was originally taught, more than 3000 years ago in India. Yoga asanas, or postures, are just one of these limbs. The other limbs are equally important, including meditation, pranayama breath control, and the personal and social code of ethics, the yamas and niyamas.
The practice of yoga is intended to be joyful and to lighten the heart and mind by calming and energising. We encourage students at all levels to build flexibility, strength and stamina of body, mind and spirit.Yoga philosophies, such as ahimsa (non violence), are threaded throughout our classes. This helps bring about a deeper understanding of the key yogic values including diet and lifestyle aspirations. Many Moksha Yoga Shala teacher trainees discover, as a consequence, that yoga becomes for them a way of life.
At Moksha Yoga Shala we live and work by the values of the 5 yamas and 5 niyamas.
- Ahimsa – non violence
- Satya – truthfulness
- Asteya – Non-stealing
- Brahmacharya – moderation
- Aparigraha – simplicity
- Saucha – cleanliness
- Santosa – contentment
- Tapas – a burning effort to achieve a goal
- Svadhyaya – education
- Isvara Pranidhana – acknowledge the divine in all

Moksha Yoga Shala is a centre of excellence in delivering yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, India. Moksha Yoga Shala teachers inspire a spiritual lifestyle in others, are role models in sattvic living and are authentically motivated to improve peoples lives through Yoga.